University of Nairobi – Ecosystem Strengthening as a Catalyst for International Collaborative Development of Emerging Digital Technologies and X-Data Applications tackling socioeconomic challenges in Kenya and South Africa
About the University of Nairobi
The University of Nairobi, a body corporate established by an Act of Parliament Cap 210 of the Laws of Kenya, is the pioneer institution of University education in Kenya and the region.
How the RISA Fund grant will be used
The project aims to:
- Reach a deep understanding of the EDTs/X-Data ecosystems;
- Build capacity and support networking of researchers, entrepreneurs, decision-makers, and policy-makers;
- Develop and deploy a Digital Innovation Hub.
This project will develop algorithms to analyze big data in the areas of agriculture, health and governance. The project will also train policy makers in Kenya and South Africa on the importance of evidence-based decision making and how big data, if well analyzed can inform development policies.
The project is implemented in collaboration with KIPI, NACOSTI and KENIA through their new initiative – the Innovation Bridge Platform. The work in SA builds on a community of practice on transformative innovation policy involving University of Johannesburg and Human sciences research council ( HSRC)